Data Analyst

Upcoming course: 250 academic hours + 75 to 100 hours for homework and assignments

Your best path to a career transformation. This part-time data analyst (BI analyst) program features expert instruction, hands-on projects, and a real connection to the industry to make you ready for the actual job.

In the digital kingdom where web and mobile applications help us manage nearly every aspect of our lives, data is king. Every digital action is visible and trackable, enabling corporations to accumulate and analyze vast amounts of both personal and business data. The use of ‘Big Data’ is driving disruption in every field — from vehicle navigation, through medicine, to cybersecurity.

Over the last few years, new professions like Data Analysts and Data Scientists have appeared on the market. Data Analysts, also known as Business Intelligence (BI) Analysts, examine large sets of data to identify patterns in the data. These patterns are then used to inform strategic business decisions. 

Who Is the Program For?

This program is intended primarily for driven and motivated individuals with previous backgrounds or with no background at all in Data Analytics but possess adequate mathematical ability, accuracy and great attention to detail.

Prerequisite Requirements:
– Proficient in Excel software and other Office applications.
– Assessment to ensure candidates can be successful in their future jobs, by evaluating Basic Math, Logic, and English Skills.
– A meeting with one of our career counselors.

Top Notch Professionals

Top Notch Professionals

This unique program was built by a professional team made up of the leading experts in Data Science and Analytics, with vast knowledge and experience in training, too.

Talia Morchi

Head of Data Analyst Program

Talia has over 10 years of experience in the IT industry having held the roles of Product Manager, Project Manager, and Data Solutions Manager where she specialized in data analysis in addition to her other responsibilities. She is a lecturer at G-Stat and both an academic director and lecturer at New Media College in Israel where she manages, teaches, and develops training materials for the data analysts courses. Talia is an expert in various development tools, including SQL, Python, Excel, and uniPaaS.

Program Curriculum

  • General introduction
  • Analyst role and capabilities required
  • KPI
  • Analyst work circle
  • Introduction to relational database 
  • Insights that can be derived from the data
  • Introduction to MSSQL 
  • Introduction to work environment 
  • Basic SQL query 
  • Calculated columns 
  • Basic built in functions 
  • Sorting the results 
  • Grouping and aggregate  
  • Advance filtering 
  • Working with NULL values 
  • Diagram 
  • Join tables
  • Conditional statement 
  • Related and unrelated nested queries 
  • Most common built in functions 
  • Window functions 
  • CTE (Common Table Expression) 
  • DML (Data Manipulation Language) 
  • DDL (Data Definition Language) 
  • Data analysis using analyst work circle 
  • Writing user scalar functions 
  • Stored procedure
  • Formulas 
  • Basic and advanced filtering data 
  • Sorting data 
  • Common use build-in functions 
  • Connectivity to outer data source 
  • If functions 
  • Error handling 
  • What is analysis functionality 
  • Conditional formatting 
  • Charts and chart components 
  • Pivot tables 
  • Pivot charts 
  • Slicers 
  • Dashboarding
  • Introduction to tableau  
  • Connect to data 
  • Connections 
  • Dimensions 
  • Measures 
  • Basic chart types 
  • Grouping 
  • Advance chart types 
  • Combo chart 
  • Dual axis
  • Filtering 
  • Sorting 
  • Hierarchy 
  • Total and subtotals 
  • Calculated fields 
  • Custom aggregations 
  • Logic statements 
  • Dashboards 
  • Exporting a dashboard
  • Python fundamentals
  • Numpy basics 
  • Basic operations and use of operators 
  • Documentation – importance and how to document 
  • Variables and basic data types 
  • Python basic build in functions 
  • String slicing 
  • Conditions 
  • Introduction to Pandas package 
  • Import data from CSV  
  • Pandas data structures: DataFrame, Series 
  • Pandas descriptive methods (head (), tail (), info (), describe () etc.)
  • Filter records by conditions  
  • Complex conditions 
  • Regex 
  • Sorting data
  • Retrieving data 
  • Handling NULL values 
  • Update data 
  • Grouping and aggregations 
  • Pivot table 
  • Cross tab 
  • Merging DataFrame methods 
  • Loops: For, While, Loop flow control 
  • Def functions 
  • Local and global variable 
  • Lambda function 
  • Apply method 
  • Connect to MSSQL 
  • Visualization with Matplotlib 
  • Visualization with Seaborn  
  • Adjusting the graph display 
  • Save data and pictures into Excel file 
  • Make your script a running program


Data analytics is the science of collecting and analyzing raw data in order to make conclusions about that information.

A Data Analyst is a person who can skillfully extract this information using data modeling and inform management on what it needs to know for decision-making.

Day-to-day tasks focus on gathering data from a variety of sources according to predefined data sets and variables. Collected data is then cleaned up and validated for accuracy and uniformity. Using statistical tools, Data Analysts then analyze and interpret results to identify trends, patterns, and new opportunities from the data.

Data and predictive analytics are changing everything from medicine and manufacturing, to marketing, HR and education. The future of products and services all around us is being driven by data and the data professionals who know how to wield it. 

Yes! All graduates who have successfully completed the program will receive a Data Analyst certificate.

Thousands of alumni use their course certificate to demonstrate skills to potential employers, along with their LinkedIn networks. Our data programs are well-regarded by many top employers, who contribute to our curriculum and partner with us to train their own teams.

The classes will be mainly online with an option for face to face for those who would like to meet the trainer on site at certain scheduled dates. In case of any travel or gathering restrictions, the program moves seamlessly online – with live interactive sessions with your trainers. Some learning materials – like class recordings and topics for self-study – can be watched on-demand from anywhere.

Register your interest, and have a talk with one of our career advisors.

This is an entry-level program for beginners and career changes, no background needed. However, all candidates will undergo an assessment to ensure that they have the right personality, as well as the basic math and logic skills, to complete the program and be successful in their future jobs.

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